WW2 Blitz educational resources with lesson plans and activities


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This lesson will help children to understand the events of The Blitz during the Second World War. They will learn what the Blitz was, which cities were targeted and why, as well as the types of safety measures put in place by the government and general public.

This resource includes:

PowerPoint detailing what happened during the Blitz and why it took place. Throughout the PowerPoint, there are various discussion questions to pose to your class – opportunities for partner talk/reflection/think, pair, share and feeding back to the class.

Three differentiated tasks to complete. You can either complete all of the tasks or choose the most fitting task(s) for your class and ability levels.

Task 1 – Make an air raid poster to instruct people on what to do during an air raid. Try to include the following:

  • Air Raid Siren, Blackout, Types of Shelters, any other information.

Task 2 – Create a Blitz fact file. Use a double page spread in your book to record all of the key information you have learned about the Blitz.
What / when was the Blitz?
What safety measures were put in place?
Air raid sirens, types of shelters etc.

Task 3 – Imagine you were a child in London during an air raid. Write a diary entry to document your experience.

  • Where were you when the siren sounded?
  • What did you do?
  • How did you feel?
  • Who were you with?
  • What was the aftermath of the attack like?

Exit ticket to assess learning at the end of the lesson.

Lesson plan for teacher.

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Last Update: 19 February 2024
Released: 9 August 2022