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Plankton, Plastics and Poo for GCSE Science introduces students to the pioneering research on the impact of microplastics on the marine ecosystem. There are an estimated 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic in the ocean’s surface waters and these plastic particles could have significant consequences for the marine food web and carbon cycle.

As students follow the same journey as scientists at the University of Exeter and Plymouth Marine Laboratory, they learn about key scientific principles such as food webs, work scientifically by simulating the researchers’ investigations, and are encouraged to use their findings to have a wider impact. Each of the seven lessons is introduced by a brief from a member of the research team, complemented by a video and concluded with the scientists’ reflections.

While these microplastics now represent a major threat to the health of many marine ecosystems, they are a threat that we can all work to resolve.

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Last Update: 18 August 2020
Released: 27 September 2017