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This resource contains over 200 unique revision questions for GCSE AQA business studies. It includes 54 sections with 131 pages, and hundreds of multiple choice questions as well as a range of 2, 3, 4, 6, and 9 markers to test students and ensure they are best prepared for the summer exam series.

This resource is designed for GCSE students studying AQA business. It is curated to help aid students to a better grade and can be used by teachers to tailor their lessons around each section or topic or simply used by students as a revision workbook.

This resource will help students to develop all skills required for a grade 9. From quantitative skills like profit, profit margins, Average rate of return, and more. To all qualitative aspects by using explain, suggest, recommend, and analyse questions.

Physical copies are available at our website.

Business studies allows students to be able to gain knowledge of the business world and use it in the future. It also lets them interpret different sorts of business data and use it to make an analysis to elevate their business skills.

This resources are designed so that they are adaptable to teachers and their specific teaching style.

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At Phillips Resources we use your feedback to create the highest quality and most desired resources so that students can get the grades they desire and teachers are trusting in the resources they use and also are left stress free from not having to create their own resources as often.

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Last Update: 26th March 2024
Released: 26th March 2024