Step 1: Create Your Store

Once you’ve registered for your free account, you can start creating your store by visiting the ‘Profile’ tab in your author Dashboard.

This will be the name which appears in a banner at the top of your store whenever anyone searches for your products or clicks on your avatar.

This is your opportunity to write a little about who you are as a teacher, publisher, company or charity. This will appear in your store so that users can find out a little more about you.

This will be the image displayed next to all of your resources and on your storefront above your name. You can use a logo, photograph of yourself or an avatar such as a bitmoji. Optimum image size for your avatar is 400 x 400px.

We highly recommend using Canva (it’s free!) for all images.

This is the image which will appear at the top of your store. We recommend that you use this space to advertise new or popular products. Optimum image size is 1260 x 280 px

You can link your social media by typing in their urls here.

Social media is one of the best ways to build a following for your resources. By linking your social media pages, you can increase your audience, build a brand and keep users all over the world notified when you upload new resources.